December 2010

salahkah cinta ini??

jadi begini ceritanya.....

ane punya sohib gan, sebut aja namanya si sapi. sapi ini sekolah di SMK. Sapi punya pacar namanya Kangkung. Nah, si Sapi sama Kangkung udah pacaran selama satu tahun lebih, tapi udah putus nyambung sebanyak 60x lebih  

Ane bukannya gasuka si sapi ini pacaran sama kambing, cuma entah kenapa semenjak pacaran sama kambing, pergaulan sapi makin ga bener. awalnya, sapi itu semangat banget sekolah, trus rajin bantuin ibu bapaknya yang suka sakit sakitan. semenjak pacaran sama si kangkung, si sapi jadi kenal sama dunia ganasnya kangkung.

ane cerita sedikit tentang dunia kangkung.

si kangkung ini (bukannya ane gasuka doi karena hal ini ya) cuma lulusan sd, bahkan smp pun ga lulus karena males2an dan sering cabut. ibu bapak kangkung udah sakit hati banget liat tingkah bejat anaknya, ga sanggup deh pokoknya, jadi dibiarin aja anaknya ga sekolah juga bodo, teserah aja.

nah, akibat pergaulan yang ga kekontrol ini, dan karena si kangkung ini anak punk (tapi bergaul sama anak punk yang salah) akhirnya nyobain drugs. yang ane tau sih salah satu merknya namanya Dextro. gatau ane bener apa salah hehe afwan ye gan. lalu mulai nokip, dan lama2 nyoba ngoplos DX dengan minuman2 oplosan, kayak m*x m*x dicampur sama minyak tanah, autan, atau bensin. terus kadang suka nyuntik yang ane gatau nyuntik apaan yg disuntik ke badannya. kacau gan pokoknya -_-. duit si kangkung sampe abis dibuat beli2 gituan, yang dia jelas2 tau ga baik buat kesehatannya.

dan si sapi (yang namanya ceweknya ya gan) pasti dikit-dikit tau ttg dunia nya si kangkung. dan mulai keikutan nyoba juga gan tapi tanpa sepengetahuan kangkung.

jadi, hidup sapi sama kangkung itu main rahasia-rahasiaan. gaada yang saling jujur. dibuat jujurpun susah. satu sama lain saling ngutamain ego.

sekarang, mereka saling nyakitin diri sendiri. si sapi minta bukti kesetiaan si cowok, si cewek juga. tapi dengan cara yang salah. jedotin pala ke tembok, gores tangan sampe korengan pake besi pagar yang tajem itu, lempar2an hp, dan main suntikan juga ga jarang gan. udah sakit duaduanya -_-

si sapi jadi gada niat sekolah lagi karena dia kayak 'terdoktrin' dengan hidupnya kangkung yang seneng seneng ngga ngurus sekolah, bisa jalan2 terus sama ke 'bandar' tiap hari. si kangkung ngelarang, tapi ternyata si sapi punya banyak teman yang jualan obat gituan.

si kangkung pun jadi overprotective parah, suka nabokin, nyakitin diri sendiri. contohnya overprotect kayak hari ini, ane kan ada reunian SD, nah si sapi ane undang dong buat reunian, eh tiba tiba kata pacar ane (pas sebelum ane dateng sapi udh dateng trus pulang duluan) si sapi dateng bawa2 kangkung. si kangkung nanyain tentang mantannya si sapi yang mutusin sapi gitu aja karena udh puas 'make' badan sapi sambil cerita kalo si kangkung udah ketauan make obat sama bapaknya kangkung dan akhirnya kangkung dinasehatin. cuma dinasehatin gan -_- dan itu ga mempan.

menurut agan, ane sbg teman yang baik harus gimana? ane ga ada ide buat bantuin doi, ide ane udah abis total......... ane bantu motivasi semangat belaajr juga ga mempan, kiranya apa yang bisa bikin mereka sadar kalo perbuatan mereka salah? alahkah cinta mereka berdua yang saling peduli tapi nyakitin itu?

mohon komengnya, agan sist 
ane cuma mau bantu sahabat ane 

Quotes for broken heart, falling in love, or waiting someone

-buat yang lagi nunggu seseorang sambil dikit2 menghibur diri sendri

" Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worth while, so when you are lonely, remember this is true: Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you."

-buat yang suka sama orang tapi "just stuck, ga maju2"

How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine? Why is it I miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?

-buat yang lagi fallin' in love

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

-buat yang lagi pengen "move on" alias "letting go someone who's not worth it buat ditunggu"

"I spent so many nights thinking about you,my heart spent to many hours missing you, I wasted my time being with you, and now it's time to move on."

"One day you'll love me, the way I loved you. One day you'll think of me the way I thought of you. One day you'll cry for me, the way I cried for you. One day you'll want me, but I won't want you. yam!"

“You have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again.”

"You either let go for two reasons.... you've learned enough to want to, or you've been hurt enough you have to."

-buat yang lagi broken heart

"I can't escape the thought of you. Even in my dreams you are there. It's not fair how your gone, and how you're moving on so fast, while I am still living in the past."

"just because one simple sentence.. u have already killed all d reason for me to care .. but I'm still standing here .. for one stupid reason that I still don't understand why, u can call it love.. But of course, something has changed!!"

"It's funny how the first time we were at this place, something between us was beginning.....but it breaks my heart to know that we are at this same place and that something between us is now ending."

buat yg lagi gak ngapa-ngapain:

"Never give up hopes. Just believe in your dreams.
But, what do I hope for if I don’t even know what my dream is?"

"You start out life with a clean slate. Then you begin to make your mark. You face decisions, make choices. You keep moving forward. But sooner or later there comes a time where you look back over where you have been... and wonder who you really are. "

Quote buat yang gak bisa berhenti mencintai seseorang:

-"You taught me how to love, but not how to stop."

-"in every girls life there is a guy she will never forget, and the summer when it all began."

-"I hope that in the end, we can all laugh and say it was worth it."

-"Still I won't say goodbye, won't ever say goodbye. And know that I'll always be yours."

-"I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone."

-"I reached for sleep and drew it round me like a blanket muffling pain and thought together in the merciful dark"

buat para laki2:

"Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top."

I can spend minutes, hours, days, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces back together, justifying what could've, would've happened or I can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the FU*K on!

yang lagi ngerasa empty:

They say follow your heart.
But when your heart is in so many pieces.
Which way are you to follow?

broken heart:
"I wish i were a little girl again, because skinned knees are easier
to fix than broken hearts."

"you can say that you always wish me to be happy, but don't you know it can't be realize, coz to be happy means you lovin' me and always be with me but you can't let yourself do it for me"

"Have you ever wondered which hurts more:
saying something and wishing you hadn't
or saying nothing and wishing you had?"

"it's time to move the f*ck on!
you make me tired of waiting for so long. maybe you're just too weird to be true!"

"It's hard to trust and it's hard to cry. It's hard to love and later say goodbye. But it's much harder to let go when you really want to say no. But this is life of making hearts grow"

“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

"Sometimes we have just to let go of someone who matters to us not because we want to but because we have to, and its the right things to do... let us remember that we cant force anyone to love us...we cant beg someone to stay when he wants to leave and be with someone else...this is what live is all about... however the end f love is not the end of life.. it should be the beginning of understanding that love lives for a reason and leaves with a lesson"

"Everyone can make you happy in your life. Some do it by walking into your life. Some do it by walking out."

"If he was stupid enough to walk away
be smart enough to let him go."

"Sometimes I wish I had never met you
because then I could go to sleep at
night not knowing there was someone
like you out there."

"Everything you've done will become someone else memory. The person might forget the exact words you said but no way to make them forget the way you made them feel."

buat yang udah bosan menunggu:

"Sometimes we think we need answer's but most of the time it´s just better to walk away,and try to get on with your life."

"Love cannot be forgotten, it can only be ignored long enough until ignoring it becomes routine."

"why am I such a fool fallin' in love with that foolest person!"

"loving is not owning, we can let it go!"

yang masih ingin berharap:

"jika memang dia,
dari awal mula dan selamanya akan tetap selalu dia,
tapi jika bukan,
dari awal mula dan selamanya tidak akan pernah dia,
dan pasti ada "dia" yang lain
yang jauh lebih baik dari dia yang bukan."


Fly to Seoul: Boom Boom Boom (Korean)

[준수] 2. P. M .you know what it is?
Fly to Seoul Let's go

[준호] 오 제발 말리지 말아줘.
나에겐 아직도 많이 보여줄게 있는데
놀라지 말고 함께해봐.
네게만 감춰온 걸 다줄께

[찬성] 난 혼자서 랩도해 노래도 춤도 춰.
감춰왔던 날 보여줄게 여기에 다 모여
너도 나와 즐겨봐 빨~리.
이순간 널위한 파~티
Let's get along, come in. 잠들지 않는 이 도시

[준수] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
두근 두근 두근 두근 두근 대는 낮
반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 이는 밤
너만 너만 너만 너만 너만 줄게 날.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

24 언제나 새로운 나를봐
24 한번도 느끼지 못한 나를 oh yeah

[택연] Come enjoy Seoul Fly to city Seoul
난 오직 너의 에너지 네 삶의 유일은 나지
Wanna get wanna get wanna get yo.
이곳은 널 위한 자리
Let's get along, come in.
잠들지 않는 이 도시

[준수] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
두근 두근 두근 두근 두근 대는 낮
반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 이는 밤
너만 너만 너만 너만 너만 줄게 날.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

[찬성] 언제나 반겨줄게 24시간 함께해 함께해
S.E.O.U.L 어서 날아 올라 Baby come to me

[준호] Fly to Seoul 힘껏 날아봐.
(Your dream will come true)
Fly to Seoul 더높이. Whatever you want

[준수] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom 함께 즐겨 신나게 밤새도록
두근 두근 두근 두근 두근 대는 낮
반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 반짝 이는 밤
너만 너만 너만 너만 너만 줄게 날.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

2PM - Fly to Seoul: Boom Boom Boom

[Junsu] 2. P. M .you know what it is?
Fly to Seoul Let's go

[Junho] o jebal malliji marajwo
naegen ajikdo manhi boyeojulge inneunde
nollaji malgo hamkkehaebwa
negeman gamchwoon geol dajulkke

[Chansung] nan honjaseo raepdohae noraedo chumdo chwo
gamchwowatdeon nal boyeojulge yeogie da moyeo
neodo nawa jeulgyeobwa ppar~ri
isungan neorwihan pa~ti
Let's get along, come in. jamdeulji annneun i dosi

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again

24 eonjena saeroun nareulbwa
24 hanbeondo neukkiji motan nareul oh yeah

[Taecyeon] Come enjoy Seoul Fly to city Seoul
nan ojik neoui eneoji ne sarmui yuireun naji
Wanna get wanna get wanna get yo.
igoseun neol wihan jari
Let's get along, come in.
jamdeulji annneun i dosi

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
Fly to Seoul nawa Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom hamkke jeulgyeo sinnage bamsaedorok
dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun dugeun daeneun nat
panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak panjjak ineun bam
neoman neoman neoman neoman neoman julge nal
Welcome to Seoul again & again

[Chansung] eonjena bangyeojulge 24 sigan hamkkehae hamkkehae
S.E.O.U.L eoseo nara olla Baby come to me

[Junho] Fly to Seoul himkkeot narabwa
(Your dream will come true)
Fly to Seoul deonopi. Whatever you want

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom Enjoy with me all night long
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Pumping pumping pumping pumping pumping daytime
Shining shining shining shining shining night time
You you you you you only for you.
Welcome to Seoul again & again


[Junsu] 2. P. M .you know what it is?
Fly to Seoul Let's go

[Junho] Oh please don't stop me.
I still have lots to show you
Don't be surprised and be with me.
I'll give you everything that I've been hiding

[Chansung] I can rap and sing and dance by myself.
Everyone gather round, I'll show you everything I've been hiding
Hurry come and enjoy with me.
This moment is a party for you
Let's get along, come in. A city that never sleeps

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom Enjoy with me all night long
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom Enjoy with me all night long
Pumping pumping pumping pumping pumping daytime
Shining shining shining shining shining night time
You you you you you only for you.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

24 Look at me who's always brand new
24 The new me you've never felt before oh yeah

[Taecyeon] Come enjoy Seoul Fly to city Seoul
I'm your only energy The only one is me
Wanna get wanna get wanna get yo.
This place is for you
Let's get along, come in.
This city that never sleeps

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom Enjoy with me all night long
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Pumping pumping pumping pumping pumping daytime
Shining shining shining shining shining night time
You you you you you only for you.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

[Chansung] I'll always welcome you be together together 24 hours
S.E.O.U.L Come on fly high Baby come to me

[Junho] Fly to Seoul Fly high.
(Your dream will come true)
Fly to Seoul higher. Whatever you want

[Junsu] Fly to Seoul 나와 Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Boom Boom Boom Enjoy with me all night long
Fly to Seoul with me Let's dance dance (wanna get)
Pumping pumping pumping pumping pumping daytime
Shining shining shining shining shining night time
You you you you you only for you.
Welcome to Seoul again & again

recommended movie: Disney "Rapunzel" or Tangled

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair, so that I may climb the stair.

yeah, i wanna share about Rapunzel or Tangled story. i was see that movie in Cinema with my friend Naya. i think Rapunzel is the most spectacular movie (after Laskar Pelangi and Sang Pencerah ofcourse :p) for me, cause i could laugh and cry till i dropped. okay it's too much -_- now i wanna share the synopsis.

Rapunzel is nae a plant which have an ability to keep Gothel, an eldery woman, become young when she sings to it. Later, the queen of a nearby kingdom falls ill while expecting a child. Her guards find the mysterious flower, hidden by Gothel, and bring it to the queen, cause the queen trustthat Rapunzel Plant can cure her diseases. The flower heals the queen and she gives birth to a girl named Rapunzel, and Rapunzel has a golden hair.

One night, Gothel kidnaps Rapunzel and isolates her in a tower, to continue to preserve her youth. Gother keeps Rapunzel's hair ecome long and long and Rapunzel becomesher daughter. However, every year on Rapunzel's birthday, the kingdom sends floating lanterns into the sky longing for their lost princess to return. But Rapunzel don't know about the story of floating lanterns, she just know that the lantern is a star, like Gothel's said.

Rapunzel just make friends with Pascal, a chameleon. Eighteen years has been running, but Gothel prohibit Rapunzel too go outside, to see the world. Rapunzel just lives withe the same routine everyday. When Gothelcomes, Rapunzel tells her that she wishes to see these annual floating lights that appear on her birthday, but Gothel rejects her by telling Rapunzel that the world is a dangerous place. 

The thief Flynn Rider and his twin thug accomplices heist the crown of the missing princess from the castle. During the fiasco, the lead guard's horse, Maximus, is separated from his rider and continues the search for Flynn on his own.

then? yeah, you can see this movie! it was awesome!!!!!!!!

and here are the soundtrack

01. Mandy Moore – When Will My Life Begin? (2:32)
02. Mandy Moore – When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 1) (1:03)
03. Donna Murphy – Mother Knows Best (3:10)
04. Mandy Moore – When Will My Life Begin? (Reprise 2) (2:06)
05. Brad Garrett, Jeffrey Tambor, Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi & The Thug Chorus – I’ve Got A Dream (3:11)
06. Donna Murphy – Mother Knows Best (Reprise) (1:38)
07. Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi – I See The Light (3:44)
08. Mandy Moore – Healing Incantation (0:54)
09. Alan Menken – Flynn Wanted (2:51)
10. Donna Murphy & Delaney Stein – Prologue: Songs & Score (2:02)
11. Alan Menken – Horse With No Rider (1:56)
12. Alan Menken – Escape Route (1:57)
13. Alan Menken – Campfire (3:21)
14. Alan Menken – Kingdom Dance (2:20)
15. Alan Menken – Waiting For The Lights (2:47)
16. Alan Menken – Return To Mother (2:06)
17. Alan Menken – Realization & Escape (5:50)
18. Mandy Moore – The Tear Heals (7:37)
19. Alan Menken – Kingdom Celebration (1:50)
20. Grace Potter – Something That I Want (2:43)

download in Rapunzel/Tangled Link Download

next posting i'll show you the lyrics! enjoy it!



hujan turun bersama kenangan yang terekam oleh langit.
hujan turun bersama seluruh pengharapan - yang terbuang sia sia.
pengharapan yang menguap kembali ke udara, pengharapan yang tak sampai pada tujuan.


hujan melepaskan aura panas menyengat sang matahari
melegakan kehausan pengamen jalanan berbibir kering dan berwajah masam
menghidupkan tanaman ibuku yang mulai layu karena jarang disiram
membersihkan motorku sehingga aku tak perlu repot mencucinya
membasahi tubuhku sehingga aku malas mandi lalu sakit
menyeka keringat pengejar cinta yang menanti jawaban seseorang


ada plus minus dari hadirnya hujan
namun, aku suka hujan.

karena hujan adalah pertanda, bahwa kuasa Allah masih ada,
dan tak ada yang dapat menandinginya.

re-comment from Ryandhika facebook's status.


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